The Winter Itch

Oh winter in the mountains. Dashing through the snow. Crisp nights around the fire pit. Copious portions of chili. And Coloradans walking around ripping at their skin like a dog with fleas.

I didn’t know it’d be like this when we moved here from the East Coast. I knew the air was dry and everything, but I didn’t expect this Biblical itch to descend on so many of my neighbors when the air got cold.  

The biggest discussion in my household over the last 2 weeks has been when to put the snow tires on. My husband has been obsessively winterizing the car like he’s prepping to battle the White Walkers. But it did get me thinking. If we winterized our faces, and really our bodies, as diligently as men do their cars, wouldn’t that be a good thing? 

Rest assured, I know you don’t need to hear me tell you to drink more water again, although, you should drink more water. But here are 3 steps we can take before the depths of December strike to avoid the invisible coat of fleas this year. The 3 B’s.

  1. Body Scrub. This is the scratch to your itch. Savor has a beautiful, natural body scrub that removes the winter-beat skin and leaves you fresh again. 

  2. Body cream. Give your body the love you usually reserve for your face. Lather it in a nice clean, rich cream and you’ll find you’re more resistant to the itch. 

  3. Baths. Take one. Like you needed an excuse to have a spa day at home. But this is a luxurious way to prep your skin for exfoliating. 

When in doubt, come into Wild Bird Beauty and I’ll give you a hydration-intensive treatment to help you get your winter back on track. 

Geoffrey Director